İçeriğe geç


1- Eğitim fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin bilişim güvenliği farkındalıkları: sakarya üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi örneği.


3-Emailing System with Enhanced Security Mechanism.

4-Yıldız, Müslüm. “Bowtie tekniği ile bilgi yönetiminde sızıntıların önlenmesine yönelik bir model önerisi”.

5-Babrahem, Afnan S., et al. “Study of the Security Enhancements in Various E-Mail Systems.” Journal of Information Security 6.01 (2014): 1.

6-Das, Resul. “An Investigation on Information Hiding Tools for Steganography.” International Journal of Information Security Science 3.3 (2014): 200-208.

7-JAIN, RACHIT. “Text Data Hiding and Extraction of Image using Discrete Wavelet Transform.” International Journals Digital Communication and Analog Signals 1.1 (2015): 16-22.

8-Karadogan, Ismail, and Resul Das. “An Examination on Information Hiding Tools for Steganography”.

9-Shona, D., and A. Shobana. “Fast and Effective Network Intrusion Detection Technique Using Hybrid Revised Algorithms.”

10-Vidhya, N., and P. Sengottuvelan. “Avert Compromised Node in Wireless Sensor Network with Honeypot System.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9.41 (2016).

11-Cynthia, J. Sybi, and D. Shalini Punithavathani. “Clone Attack Detection Using Pair Access Witness Selection Technique.”

12-Narmatha, M. “Online Malicious Attacks and Defending Techniques and Approaches-A Survey.”

13-Zha, Nanxi, et al. “Second-order Texture Measurements of 3 He Ventilation MRI:: Proof-of-concept Evaluation of Asthma Bronchodilator Response.” Academic radiology 23.2 (2016): 176-185.

14-Brancati, Nadia, and Francesco Camastra. “Analysis of Similarity Measurements in CBIR Using Clustered Tamura Features for Biomedical Images.” Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services 2016. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 1-10.

15-Schäfer, Hendrik, et al. “CD30 cell graphs of Hodgkin lymphoma are not scale-free–An image analysis approach.” Bioinformatics (2015): btv542.

16-Yalman, Sakine, Muhammed Coşkun Irmak, and Abdulsamet Haşıloğlu. “A mobile-based approach to monitor biomedical signals.” Medical Technologies National Conference (TIPTEKNO), 2015. IEEE, 2015.

17-Sözay, B. “Homomorphic Encryption with Elliptic Curve for d’Hondt E-Electoral Application.”

18-Meneses, Thiago Fonseca. Centro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática. Diss. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2012.

19-Ahmad, Wan Siti Halimatul Munirah Wan, et al. “Content-based medical image retrieval system for infections and fluids in chest radiographs.” Asia Information Retrieval Symposium. Springer International Publishing, 2014.

20-Gündüz, Zekeriya. “Yerel Alan Ağları için IP Tabanlı SAldırı Tespit Uygulaması ve Güvenlik Önerileri.” (2013).

21-Z. Karhan, B, Ergen, Content based medical image classification using discrete wavelet and cosine transforms.

22-Umamaheswari, J., and G. Radhamani. “An amalgam approach for DICOM image classification and recognition.” World Acad Sci Eng Technol 62 (2012): 807-12.

23-TOPALOĞLU, Nurettin, M. Hanefi CALP, and T. Ü. R. K. Burak. “A Novel Data Encryption Algorithm Design and Implementation in Information Security Scope.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS TECHNOLOGIES 9.3 (2016): 291.

24-De Pietro, Giuseppe, et al. “Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services 2016.” (2016).

25-YİĞİT, Tuncay, and Muhammed Alparslan AKYILDIZ. “Sızma Testleri İçin Bir Model Ağ Üzerinde Siber Saldırı Senaryolarının Değerlendirilmesi.” SDÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 18.1 (2014).

26- Demir, Abdulkerim. Vücut alan ağlarındaki medikal cihazların ve mobil sağlık uygulamalarının güvenlik analizleri. Diss. 2016.

27- Baâzaoui, Abir, Walid Barhoumi, and Ezzeddine Zagrouba. “Speeding Up the CBMIR in Huge Sized Medical Datasets.”

28-  2015 IJEDR | Volume 3, Issue 3 , Face Detection using Spatio-Temporal Segmentation and Tracking for Video Security.

29- IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 07, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613, ” A Survey on Various Techniques used in Face Detection & Tracking”.

30- Autoreferát dizertačnej práce ROZPOZNÁVANIE ĽUDSKÝCH TVÁRÍ na získanie akademického titulu doktor (philosophiae doctor, PhD.)


32- Kavitha, M., B. Ramakrishnan, and Resul Das. “A Novel Routing Scheme to Avoid Link Error and Packet Dropping in Wireless Sensor Networks.” International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA) 3.4 (2016).

33- Prachi, “Usage of machine learning for Intrusion detection in a network”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA) 3.6 (2016).

34- I. G. P. S. Wijaya, A. Y. Husodo and A. H. Jatmika, “Real time face recognition engine using compact features for electronics key,” 2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), Lombok, Indonesia, 2016, pp. 151-156.

35- Ailawadhi, Annu, and Anju Bhandari. “Literature Review on an Approach to Detect Packets Using Packet Sniffing.” Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET) www. jncet. org 7.6 (2017).

36-Kevat, Satish Mahendra. “Review on Honeypot Security.” (2017).

37- Serin, Faruk, Metin Erturkler, and Mehmet Gul. “A Novel Overlapped Nuclei Splitting Algorithm For Histopathological Images.” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2017).

38-Kaur, Sumandeep, and Supreet Kaur. “Review on Smart Grid Attacks and their Countermeasure using Cryptography Algorithms.” International Journal 8.5 (2017).

39-Das, Resul, and Gurkan Tuna. “Packet tracing and analysis of network cameras with Wireshark.” Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS), 2017 5th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2017.

40-Çiftçi, Nilcan. “Veritabanı.” Pegem Atıf İndeksi (2017): 165-211.

41-Başaranoğlu, Ertuğrul. Kurumsal ağlardaki windows ortamlarına saldırılar ve sıkılaştırma yöntemleri. Diss. 2017.