1 – Ergen, B.,Baykara,M., “Content Based Medical Image Retrieval Using Statistical Spatial Methods for CBIR System ” Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2010 IEEE 18th – Diyarbakir, s.692-695, 2010.
2 – Baykara, M., Ergen, B.,”A Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Signal Processing Methods For Medical Images”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium-CSC23,s.87-91, IATS 2011.
3 – Ergen, B.,Baykara, M.,”Örnek Azaltmasız Dalgacık Dönüşümü ve Destek Vektör Makinesi ile Ölçek Bağımsız Doku Sınıflandırması”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium-CSC36,s.140-143, IATS 2011.
4 – M.Canayaz, M.Baykara, M.Aksu,T.Özseven, A.Karcı, “Content Based Image Retrieval via Graph Similarity”, “1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications ” ,2012.
5 – Demirol, D., Daş, R., Baykara, M., “ SQL Enjeksiyon Saldırı Uygulaması ve Güvenlik Önerileri”, 1st International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (1. Uluslararası Adli Bilişim ve Güvenlik Sempozyumu)”, 62-66, 20-21 Mayıs 2013, Elazığ – Turkey.
6 – Karadoğan, İ., Daş, R., Baykara, M., “Scapy ile Ağ Paket Manipülasyonu”, 1st International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (1. Uluslararası Adli Bilişim ve Güvenlik Sempozyumu)”, 196-201, 20-21 Mayıs 2013, Elazığ – Turkey.
7 – Baykara, M., Daş, R., Karadogan, İ., “Bilgi Güvenliği Sistemlerinde Kullanılan Araçların İncelenmesi”, 1st International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (1. Uluslararası Adli Bilişim ve Güvenlik Sempozyumu)”, 231-239, 20-21 Mayıs 2013, Elazığ – Turkey.
8 – Baykara, M., Daş, R., “A Steganography Application for Secure Data Communication”, 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO 2013), Turgut Özal University, pp.313-317, 7-9 November 2013, Ankara.
9 – Baykara, M., Daş, R., “Real Time Face Recognition and Tracking System”, 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO 2013), Turgut Özal University, pp.163-167, 7-9 November 2013, Ankara.
10- Bürhan, Y., Daş, R., Baykara, M., “Sosyal Ağ Ortamlarında Karşılaşılan Tehditlerin Analizi”, The Third International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS 2015), 11-12 May, 2015, Gazi University, ANKARA.
11- Daş, R., Baykara, M., Tuna, G., (2015), “Novel CAPTCHA Approaches to Protect Web Forms against Bots”, The Third International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS 2015), 11-12 May, 2015, Gazi University, ANKARA.
12-Baykara, M., Daş, R., Tuna, G., “A Novel Image Steganography Approach Using Chinese Remainder Theorem and Least Significant Bit Substitution”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP), pp. 516-521, September 17-18, 2016, Malatya/Turkey
13- G Tuna, R Daş, A Tuna, H Örenbaş, M Baykara, K Gülez, “A secure and easy-to-implement web-based communication framework for caregiving robot teams”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016.
14- G Tuna, H Örenbaş, R Daş, D Kogias, M Baykara, “Information security threats and an easy-to-implement attack detection framework for wireless sensor network-based smart grid applications”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016.
15- M Baykara, R Das, “A Survey on Honeypot Technologies Used in Intrusion Detection System”, 16th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering (ICSIE), 2015.
16- M.Baykara, U. Gürtürk, B. Atasoy, İ. Perçin, “Augmented Reality Based Mobile Learning System Design in Preschool Education”, 2nd International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering (UBMK 2017), Antalya, 2017.
17- M.Baykara, U. Gürtürk, E. Karakaya, “ NFC Based Smart Mobile Attendance System”, 2nd International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering (UBMK 2017), Antalya, 2017.
18- M.Baykara, U. Gürtürk, “Classification of Social Media Shares Using Sentiment Analysis”, Uluslararası Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Konferansı, 2nd International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering (UBMK 2017), Antalya, 2017.
19- Y. Bürhan, M. Baykara, R. Daş, “ Social Network Analysis and Data Visualization Tools Examination and Applied Study ”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP17), Malatya, 2017.